Home / News / Self-Proclaimed Time Traveler Claims To Be From 2761 | Predicts These 5 Events

Self-Proclaimed Time Traveler Claims To Be From 2761 | Predicts These 5 Events

Time Traveler

A TikTok user by the name of Eno Alaric recently created several videos allegedly claiming he’s a time traveler from the year 2761. He ‘predicts’ 5 events that would occur before May 2023. These events range from a star explosion to discovery of extraterrestrial life!

Check the re-upload YT video here

His first prediction will apparently occur on November 30, 2022. The James Webb Telescope will find a planet that “is a mirrored version of the Earth”.

His second prediction is set to happen on December 8, 2022. A large asteroid will impact with the Earth, bringing new metals and extraterrestrial life to Earth.

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Next up, he states that on February 26, 2023, a group of 4 teenagers will discover ancient ruins and “find a device that will enable wormholes to other galaxies”.

It gets crazier, believe it or not, with his fourth prediction, he claims a team of scientist exploring the Mariana Trench will find a new ancient species. Note that no other information about the species itself was provided, not even a physical appearance or name.

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And finally, on May 15, 2023, a “750 ft” tsunami will hit the US west coast, mainly San Francisco.

Netizens have critiqued the creation of this video and several others of the same sort. Many have tried to verify the authenticity of the predictions by asking questions like “Who’ll win the world cup” and cracking jokes like “Source: trust me bro”. The vagueness of the details of the predictions have left most wondering about the credibility of the predictions.

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